Welcome to

Gut Feeling Naturopathics

I specialise in SIBO, IBS and microbiome restoration, using a holistic, evidence-based approach to help you feel well again!

Welcome to

Gut Feeling Naturopathics

The team at Gut Feeling Naturopathics specialises in SIBO, IBS and microbiome restoration, using a holistic, evidence-based approach to help you feel well again!

Do you suffer from uncomfortable bloating, excessive gas, diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal pain and an increasing list of food sensitivities? We can help!

About Me

Emily Sugars

CEO of Gut Feeling Naturopathics

Emily Sugars

CEO of Gut Feeling Naturopathics

About Me

Natural health is both my passion and my life. This was ignited through my desire to know more and my intuitive feeling that there was more to health than what conventional medicine alone can offer. Starting with myself and my family, my dog, and now my toddler, natural medicine and practices are a part of our daily lives.

This passion led me to become a Naturopath and the Founder of ‘Gut Feeling Naturopathics’, specialising in SIBO, IBS and Microbiome health. In addition to my Naturopathic qualifications, I have also completed a Professional Honours in Evidence Based Complementary Medicine which assists me in providing my patients therapeutic treatments that hold the wisdom of traditional healing practices, while also considering the scientific evidence base.

Throughout my career as a Naturopath, I have had the privilege of being mentored by Dr Nirala Jacobi, internationally recognised SIBO expert, and was an integral part of her naturopathic team at The Biome Clinic.

What I believe!

You don’t need to be on a restricted diet for life to manage your gut symptoms

There are more treatment options than just ‘managing symptoms’

Identifying and addressing the underlying cause is crucial for long term healing and resolution


Naturopathic Consultation:

I offer online consultations to most locations across the globe

What to expect:

A thorough gathering of information about you as a person, your experiences and your medical history, so that I can really focus on identifying the underlying drivers to your issues.

I may recommend functional and pathology testing to get better insight as to what is happening for you alongside various treatments ranging from dietary and lifestyle advice to herbal medicines, nutritional supplements, physical therapies and homeopathics, depending on what is most suitable for you.

Practitioner Mentoring:

With my many years of clinical experience and mentoring from SIBO expert Dr Nirala Jacobi, I am happy to support you in trouble shooting complex cases.

Practitioner Mentoring:

With my many years of clinical experience and mentoring from SIBO expert Dr Nirala Jacobi, I am happy to support you in trouble shooting complex cases.

Testimonials from Our Amazing Clients

"Emily has been great with supporting me to get back to feeling much better about my gut health.  Her keen insight, persistent investigating and gentle way enabled me to see the causes of my symptoms and deal with them. 

Thanks Emily!”


“I was very fortunate to work with Emily Sugars on issues involving SIBO and histamine intolerance. Emily is patient, very caring and kind, which was so welcome after my experiences at being tossed around numerous health care practitioners in the US who did not care enough to follow through and try to discover the root cause of my SIBO. After 18 months of struggling to find a health care practitioner with the needed experience and knowledge in issues involving SIBO, I finally found Emily at the Biome Clinic. Prior to this, I had consulted regular MDs, family physicians (MDs), functional MDs, MD-GI specialists, and GI naturopathic doctors all in the US, spending so much money in the process, only to get worse and worse. All of them would immediately put me on antibiotics or antimicrobials, and some of them would also require that I stay on a very restricted diet long-term (when I had no SIBO GI symptoms per se other than histamine intolerance). My situation continued to deteriorate to the point where my immune system was literally burning my skin and I could not eat hardly anything without having serious skin issues, all of which was taking a heavy toll on my life and my family’s as well. Emily took me off most all supplements that I had been told to take for close to one year and started from the beginning by working to strengthen foundational GI systems to help me heal. I started getting better and better to the point where I can now eat anything I want without any issues whatsoever. But even better still, Emily was the only person who focused on getting to the root cause of my SIBO and discovered it. I am forever grateful to Emily for this.”


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